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 This utility will encrypt your user file to prevent any unauthorized persons
 who get hold of your user file from obtaining useful information from it.
 PCBoard and System Manager will automatically unencrypt the file when they
 open the file.  The following fields are encrypted:

 data/business phone number
 home/voice phone number

 To encrypt the user file use the ENCRYPT program with this syntax:

  ENCRYPT [location of user file]

 To decrypt the user file, use the ENCRYPT program with this syntax:

  ENCRYPT /D [location of user file]

 Once the user file has been encrypted, you must inform PCBoard that the user
 file is encrypted.  If you skip this step, these fields will appear to be
 filled with garbage and you can damage your user file.   To update PCBoard,
 answer Y to the Encrypt Users File question in PCBSetup | Configuration
 Options | System Control.

 The USERS.SYS and DOOR.SYS files that are created by PCBoard will have
 decrypted values so that doors which read these files will continue to
 operate properly.  Any third-party programs which read the user file
 directory most likely will not work with the encrypted file and may end up
 damaging your user file.

 WARNING:  You must enable encryption on all nodes that will be accessing an
 encrypted user file.  If you do not, you may damage your user file.

 Encrypting the user file is most useful when you operate in a large network
 environment where users may be able to directly access the user file.  By
 encrypting the user file, you can protect the accounts on the system because
 they cannot be viewed using a file viewing program.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson